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Federal Workers Compensation Doctors North Dallas, DOL OWCP North Texas Federal Injury Clinic

 Welcome Federal Employees! North Texas Federal Injury Clinic is certified by the Department of Labor (DOL) to handle Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) cases. Our federal workers comp doctors can work with injured federal workers’ DOL-OWCP injury claims, process their paperwork, and give them the treatment and relief they need. 


Federal Workers Compensation Doctors North Dallas, DOL OWCP North Texas Federal Injury Clinic

Welcome Federal Employees! North Texas Federal Injury Clinic is certified by the Department of Labor (DOL) to handle Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) cases. Our federal workers comp doctors can work with injured federal workers’ DOL-OWCP injury claims, process their paperwork, and give them the treatment and relief they need. 

Certified DOL OWCP Doctors Helping Injured Federal Workers Throughout North Dallas

North Texas Federal Injury Clinic offers full therapy and treatment for workplace injuries, with functional exercises and other activities designed so you can return to work faster. We are certified by the Department of Labor OWCP to help injured federal employees receive treatment, get better, and get back to work. Our federal workers compensation office is located in North Dallas.

OWCP Injury Claim Experts – Workers Comp Doctors and Chiropractors Specializing in Spine, Joint and Back Injuries

AT North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, OUR FOCUS IS TO:

“I had back and hip pain. It was uncomfortable doing anything, and I couldn’t sleep. After coming to North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, now I’m out of pain, moving well, sleeping again, and back at work. I also got my case with the Department Of Labor approved here thanks to North Texas Federal Injury Clinic!”

Scott H

“I’m doing a lot better now and I don’t have the severe pain that I had when I first came here. Everything is working good now. I got a lot of help with my paperwork and all the forms.”

Ronnie J

“Late Feb 22 I tore my hamstring at work. Was told to rest it. Was told it was just a sprain. M.R.I. ordered by you guys showed it was torn. The surgeon you sent me to said surgery was not necessary. Rehab would be sufficient. Very skeptical. Dr. Evans has gotten me much stronger and more agile. Good guy. Thought for sure I needed surgery rehab from Haley and Evan has been great. North Texas Federal Injury Clinic results are off the charts, compared to when I first arrived. Yes, adjustments feel great back feels much better. Go for sure everyone in this place is awesome. Thank you guys so much. “

Jeff J

“I had an injury to my thumb that had caused extremely severe pain and incredibly huge swelling. Before I came here, I was quite disabled – to the point where I could not even tie my shoes or even button my pants. Now I can do those tasks, and have regained the ability to eat with my right hand, hold a cup, etc. I am so happy to be able to WRITE again with my hand. Even things like being able to clip my own fingernails again really make me feel great again!”

Mike P

Federal Employees

We treat federal employees who have been hurt on the job and help them to recover quickly while smoothing out The Office of Worker’s Compensation Program (OWCP) claim process. When you’ve suffered a work-related injury, it is vital that you see a Department of Labor (DOL) doctor who is intimately familiar with the procedures and requirements from the OWCP in order to help your Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) claim get approved with no delays or denials.

If you are a federal employee who has been injured on the job, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our USPS doctors or mail carrier injury doctors. We are here to help you get the care you need to get back on your feet.

North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, our doctors specialize in treating federal employees suffering from all types of diseases and injuries, including:

  • Muscle Pain: Muscle damage, pulled muscles, injured hamstrings and strained muscles.
  • Back Injuries: Assist with slipped, herniated, and bulging discs.
  • Pinched Nerves and Sciatica
  • Neck and Shoulder Injuries: Including whiplash, muscle stiffness, and dislocated shoulders.
  • Knee Injuries: Degeneration, falls, overuse, and trauma.
  • Foot and Ankle Pain: Sprained ankles and plantar fasciitis.
  • Tendon Damage: Torn ligaments and sprains.
  • Elbow, Hand, and Wrist Injuries: Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and sprains.

No matter how severe your injury is, our USPS pain relief doctors can help you. With the latest in equipment, training, and treatments, the DOL doctors at Back To Health use a multispecialty approach to treat each patient’s individual needs and help them get out of pain and back to normal.

North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, our doctors specialize in treating federal employees suffering from all types of diseases and injuries, including:

  • Muscle Pain: Muscle damage, pulled muscles, injured hamstrings and strained muscles.
  • Back Injuries: Assist with slipped, herniated, and bulging discs.
  • Pinched Nerves and Sciatica
  • Neck and Shoulder Injuries: Including whiplash, muscle stiffness, and dislocated shoulders.
  • Knee Injuries: Degeneration, falls, overuse, and trauma.
  • Foot and Ankle Pain: Sprained ankles and plantar fasciitis.
  • Tendon Damage: Torn ligaments and sprains.
  • Elbow, Hand, and Wrist Injuries: Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and sprains.
  • No matter how severe your injury is, our USPS pain relief doctors can help you. With the latest in equipment, training, and treatments, the DOL doctors at Back To Health use a multispecialty approach to treat each patient’s individual needs and help them get out of pain and back to normal.

Treating Injured Federal Employees

  • Postal Workers, Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks (USPS)
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) employees
  • Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Immigration and Customs (ICE)
  • Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
  • Border Protection Agency
  • Social Security Administration (SSA)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Secret Service
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Treating Injured Federal Employees

  • Postal Workers, Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks (USPS)
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) employees
  • Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Immigration and Customs (ICE)
  • Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
  • Border Protection Agency
  • Social Security Administration (SSA)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Secret Service

Experts in Treating DOL-OWCP Injury Claims

We heard a common nationwide theme that people just couldn’t find a doctor who understood OWCP workers’ compensation. Instead of seeing the proper OWCP doctor, patients were going to their family physicians or chiropractors and using their own personal health insurance, paying expensive copays, deductibles, and coinsurances, plus, having their treatment cut off by their private insurance carriers. They were having to use their sick and vacation time for the time off due to their injury and weren’t able to become eligible for a scheduled award compensation. They were losing all of their earned benefits due to not having doctors who accepted and understood OWCP workers comp.

Whether you are a federal prison worker or are part of homeland security, If you’ve been injured working for the federal government, then you have the right to choose your doctor. Choose a doctor that is experienced in handling DOL-OWCP injury claims and provides comprehensive care for your federal workers’ compensation injury. Get the benefits you deserve.

DOL Doctors Must Be Experts

DOL workers’ comp injuries under FECA must be documented correctly. This is the most important part of getting your OWCP work injury claim accepted so you start receiving the treatment you need to get better.

At North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, we are trained to connect your injury and symptoms to your injury on the job. This is called “causation”. An inability to do so will cause your injury claim to be denied and remove your chances of getting the treatment you need to get back to work and avoid pain and re-injury.

At North Texas Federal Injury Clinic, our focus is to:

  • Clearly and accurately link your injury to your federal job (causation)
  • Make sure your DOL forms are handled correctly
  • Get your CA1 or CA2 injury claims accepted
  • Help you with Continuation of Pay (COP)
  • Help you with your Claim for Compensation (CA7)
  • Correctly fill out your CA17 Duty Status Reports
  • Help with your Schedule Award Impairment Ratings
  • Get you all the treatment you need so you can get back to work

USPS Certified Injury and Pain Relief Doctors in North Dallas

When it comes to facing the physical demands of postal service duties in North Dallas, injuries are an unfortunate reality for many workers. Recognized as USPS injury doctors, we are dedicated professionals who specialize in addressing these specific medical needs. We operate from USPS injury clinics and are certified to provide comprehensive care to postal employees.

For those who have been injured on the job at USPS, finding the right care is crucial. USPS certified clinics offer targeted treatments designed to handle the unique challenges postal workers face. With a focus on USPS pain relief, doctors in these clinics are well-versed in the types of injuries that can occur while performing postal duties.

Injuries can range from acute to chronic, and the types of pain can vary greatly from specific USPS shoulder injury, neck injury, or knee pain. USPS back pain and back injury are common complaints due to the heavy lifting and long periods of driving associated with postal work. To address these, USPS neck pain and back injury specialists offer treatments that range from physical therapy to more advanced interventions, depending on the severity of the condition.

Meet Our Team

North Texas Federal Injury Clinic treats federal work injuries with a variety of advanced techniques including in-house X-rays, diagnostic ultrasound-guided knee and shoulder injections, and other advanced pain-relieving techniques. In addition to getting your OWCP injury claims approved and receiving all of your federal work injury benefits as a result, injured federal employees have access to the most cutting-edge treatments designed to get you better and back to work.

The workers comp injury claim doctors and medical team working with federal OWCP work injuries consists of the Medical Doctor, Dr. Guido Guidotti, MD, Harvard graduate in occupational health, Dr. Steve Arculeo, senior case manager, Dr. Kristi Farrell, founder, as well as a full medical staff, business office, case managers, and administrative staff.

Dr. Kristi Farrell

Dr. Kenneth Baird
Medical Doctor

Dr. Steve Arculeo, DC
Senior Case Manager

Nurse Practitioner

Dr. Guido Guidotti, MD
Harvard Grad Occupational Health Specialist

Alex Castillo, LMT
Massage Therapist

North Texas Federal Injury Clinic medical team is trained and committed to writing excellent narrative reports so your OWCP injury claims are approved and you receive all of your federal workers’ comp benefits. These extremely detailed narrative reports will get injury claims approved for injured federal employees from the USPS, VA Hospital, TSA, and all other federal employees from all federal agencies. If you’re a federal employee in and around North Dallas, call the federal injury doctors from Federal Injury Centers of North Dallas if you’ve suffered an OWCP work injury.

Call us today at (214) 361-9355 to learn more about how we can help you get your work OWCP claim accepted and prompt treatment for your injury.


Call us today at(214) 361-9355 to learn more about how we can help you get your work OWCP claim accepted and prompt treatment for your injury.


Helpful Information…

How to fill out your forms for Federal Worker’s Compensation:

OWCP Forms For Federal Worker’s Compensation Case:

Wednesday Night OWCP Chats: Live Video for Federal Employees: